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Our story


Peniche Ocean Watch

Peniche Ocean Watch (POW) unites protagonists from all sectors and backgrounds under one roof and empowers them to pursue innovative solutions related to ocean and societal challenges – be they local, regional, national or global. Through these efforts, we aspire to enable the greater Peniche area to become a hotspot for entrepreneurial activity, a flagship in ocean innovation, and a showcase in circular economy and coastal community development. 

Based in the Portuguese coastal town of Peniche, a fishing community one hour north of Lisbon, Peniche Ocean Watch is running several blue circular economy projects in addition to converting two warehouses into coworking and co-creation spaces. Our goal is to enable you, regardless of organizational affiliation, to create, learn, connect, and grow through accessing advice, support and incubation spaces as well as the ability to create and build innovative and sustainable prototypes in our workshop areas, either on your own or in teams.

POW is an initiative led by Ocean Tech Hub LDA, and you can learn more about our various projects under Our Projects and in our TED video as well as in this documentary on Portuguese national TV station RTP.

With this in mind, POW's purpose is to inspire and help establish Blue Economy initiatives around the world, starting in Peniche, Portugal.

Check out news in Peniche Ocean Watch by clicking below!


A hotspot in ocean entrepreneurship

A flagship in ocean innovation

A showcase in blue circular economy

Image by Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum

Our mission

Our mission is to build a pilot circular model in Peniche that can be shared and spread to other coastal communities across the globe, thereby empowering coastal communities through a blue circular economy and digital entrepreneurial mindset. 

We believe that digitalization and exponential technologies along with fundamental changes in the way we live and work create emerging new forms of value creation that offer hope for a brighter future that works for all. Collaborative innovation and co-creation are our catalysts for impact.


Our objectives

POW takes a holistic and integrated perspective on regional development, digital transformation and ocean initiatives to enable a blue circular economy and sustainable management of marine resources. Our agenda includes empowering coastal community rejuvenation, cleaning up our oceans, and modernizing education, and we have initiated several projects in these areas. Meanwhile, we are constantly looking for new challenges to conquer.


  • To facilitate knowledge sharing and a digital entrepreneurial mindset

  • To provide opportunities for coastal communities through releasing trapped values

  • To develop ocean-based technologies enabling a blue circular economy

The Critical situation of coastal communities


The fishing industry generates around 50% of ocean litter with alarming impacts on marine ecosystems and biomass


Ghost nets trap animals on the open seabed while ocean junk keeps  fish from spawning, resulting in declining stocks.


Reduced competitiveness has led to a decline in the SME fishing industry with negative social impacts on coastal communities.


Revival through tourism attracts a seasonal work force and results in rising real estate prices - unaffordable to the local community.

circular economy model

Where the Ocean meets Digitalization

Read more about POW projects by clicking on the circles! 



Stimulate entrepreneurship and explore new forms of value creation throughout supply chain

Business Development

Manage initiatives among stakeholders and funding partners



Explore and develop innovative forms of marine mapping



Develop innovative manufacturing using 3D printing and automation



Develop state-of-art solutions for regional handling and recycling



Re-conceptualize the local fleet to enable new solutions for sustainable  ocean harvest
Surf Point


Find out more about Peniche!


Our facilities

Check out our facilities!

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