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Circular Ocean is part of Ocean Tech Hub LDA's Peniche Ocean Watch initiative to enable sustainable solutions and a blue circular economy model for marine fishing waste.


We are collaborating with Docapesca - Portugal's national fishing port authority for the handling and recycling of used fishing nets in order to reduce waste from fisheries in Portuguese ports. Further collaboration with Norwegian blockchain provider Empower AS enhances the logging and tracking of the collected marine waste and facilitates a direct early market enabler of the recycled material.


The Circular Ocean project already facilitates the collection of tons of used fishing nets from various ports across Portugal every month. Currently, we are developing a local handling and recycling process in which we will shred, wash, and grind and extrude the fishing nets into pellets that can be used to produce a variety of new products. For example, our goal is to use our pellets in large scale additive manufacturing (3D printing) in Ocean Tech Hub's 2Rodas microfactory in Peniche. You can read more about this under Ekbacken Studios.

We are also exploring scalable business opportunities in order to facilitate shredding and extrusion solutions fitted into self sustained, mobile container units to provide simple regional recycling solutions for fishing ports across the globe.

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